1.Download the PDF and print it (optional)

  1. Go to YouTube and select the Tuesday Lesson video.
    3.In the open-ended questions/activities:
    -I am going to answer the question/activity in my own words, 
    listen to my answer
    -Pause the video and now try to answer the question/activity in your own words.
    *It doesn’t matter if your answer is not correct, the important thing is that you practice and learn new vocabulary.
    -At the end of the class you can correct your answers in the translator or ask me if your answer is correct in the section comments on YouTube 

4.In the multiple choice questions/activities:
-Pause the video and try to answer the question/activity.
-Play the video
-I will tell you the correct answer and you can check if you answered correctly or not.
-At the end of the Tuesday Lesson you can write your answers or doubts in the section comments on YouTube 
*Don’t forget to leave us your opinion of the course so we can improve this course for you.